Make a Donation

To Make a Donation Please Download and Fill in the Donation Form

Donations for the work of the Trust are greatly appreciated. Donations may come from individuals, couples, family trusts, foundations or businesses.

I want a sapc

It is important that you know that our Trust is registered with the Charities Commission, Number  CC56137 and listed by Inland Revenue Department as a donee organisation.   Personal donations of $5 or more qualify for a tax credit. Corporate or or business donations may be tax-deductible. Companies and other businesses must seek their own independent advice on this.

If you have any enquiries phone Lynne Lochhead (03 3515928) or email

Donors who wish to make a significant gift spread over 2 or 3 years are welcome to do so. All donations of whatever size are important to our Trust and each will be honoured. Special functions for donors will be held annually.

Email or post the completed donation form to  let us know that you have made a donation. We will send an electronic receipt unless you indicate otherwise but we cannot give a receipt if we do not know where to send it.